Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What I Hope We Learn From Robin William's Tragic Death

I was checking my email yesterday when I saw the news feed that Robin Williams had died. I felt as if someone had kicked me in the stomach. I forgot about my email as I read the article and others that talked about the loss of this wonderfully talented man. I cried as if a member of my own family had died.
I first saw Robin Williams on the Mork & Mindy Show back in the 80’s. Every week I tuned in to enjoy the show. We’ve seen him grow into a phenomenal actor over the years. We know of the work he did for US troops. We’ve seen him play Pop Eye, Mrs. Doubtfire and recently I saw him in a very disturbing episode of Law & Order SVU where he was portraying a dark and demented character.
As we learned of the details of his death, should that make us lose respect for him? Is suicide so foreign to us that we can’t wrap our minds around the fact that he took his own life? Is he now no longer worthy of our tears? Is it time to judge him? I am appalled at the insensitive comments I’ve read. There have been some that are so very insensitive, I want to smack the taste out of their mouths, if I were still a violent person. It’s been reported that Todd Bridges said Robin Williams is selfish and his suicide is an act of a coward. People have said “He’s going to hell for this!” “What did he have to be depressed about? He was a millionaire!” “Depressed! He was an addict and alcoholic, that’s why he was depressed!”

Depression is a mental disease. This disease has been around for centuries. The Bible mentions several people that were depressed. On one occasion the prophet Elijah was so grief stricken that he prayed for God to take his life. – 1Kings 19:4. Ammon, King Solomon’s son was asked, “Why are you, the king’s son so depressed every morning? Why not tell me?” – 2Samuel 13:4. Being that God is a God of Love, he cares about us so deeply he wants us all to be happy. In Psalm 34:18, the psalmist tells us, “Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.” “If you kept a record of our sins, who could escape being condemned? But your forgive us, so that we should stand in awe of you.” – Psalm 130:3-4

God gives us strength and hope. We also have a responsibility-(1Thessalonians 5:14) “…to speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.” We are encouraged to throw all our anxiety on God because he cares for us. -1Peter 5:7
Clinical depression is not the same as sadness, or having a bad day. It goes beyond that. Pharmacists have developed medicines to help with depression, but many patients feel worst, so they may not continue taking their meds. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention “studies have consistently found that the overwhelming majority of people who die by suicide-  90% or more –had a mental disorder at the time of their deaths, often, however; these disorders had not been recognized, diagnosed or adequately treated.” Professional assistance is available because it is not possible to climb out of the pit of despair without assistance. We are living each day of our lives in a world filled with despair. It is easy to feel hopeless in light of the times. However, we can rest our hope in the promises God has made; for instance in Revelation 21:3-4, “The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry, or pain be anymore. The former things will pass away.” So, instead of us judging the actions of someone that has committed suicide in a  negative light, why not think about that person you know that is suddenly withdrawn, quiet and depressed. Why not call and check on them and offer your support? Sometimes a listening ear is all that we need. Sometimes we just need someone to act like they really care, to be there for us. 

I’ve heard people say suicide is the unforgivable sin, probably quoting something their minister, pastor or bishop told them. However, the Bible tells us about only one unforgivable sin and it is not suicide, but grieving God’s Holy Spirit. Some people said he is going to burn in Hell, another lie the church has told its members to keep them enslaved and clothed in darkness. How can you say God is love, he loves us yet when we die he’ll torture our dead body in a burning hell for eternity? What would be the purpose of Him doing that, when he so lovingly offers us the hope of a resurrection? –John 5:29

I encourage anyone reading my blog to check out the scriptures I listed for yourself in your Bible. Find out what it really teaches; shake off the shackles of false religion that has held you bound in ignorance, hatred, condemnation and intolerance or other people’s pain.

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