Sunday, May 4, 2014


What if all of the mistakes that we made in our lives could be used to help someone else walk a straighter path if we but shared them? If I poured out my heart to you, shed tears for you, wept with you in order to help you see that you don't need to make the mistakes that I did, would you change your course?

What if all of the men or women that we have met in our lives and shared a piece of ourselves with were able to sit down together and we discussed what went wrong in our relationship, what made you stop loving me, or me stop loving you, or why you never loved me, or me never loving you...could we forgive each other and move on with our lives so that we don't make the same mistakes again with someone else?

What if I could wipe the slate totally clean and start over from this point in my life, what sort of person would I be then? Would I be as sensitive to other's needs as I am now? Would I be able to see the cup as half full instead of half empty? Would I find the joy in a laughing baby, or the sound of a bubbling stream?  Would I understand why some people sit all day long on the side of a river bank and yet only catch one or two fish, when it is not the food they seek, but the solitude?  Would I know the difference between being lonely and being alone, and yes there is a difference...?  

Would I be able to tell the difference between a look of love and one of lust and would I prefer the first look?  Would I know that I am beautiful without someone telling me that I am, and appreciate it more when I speak it myself?  Would I be able to  recognize when a man is being truly honest when he says that he will be there, if I had not known the lies of one that said those same words but never meant them?  Would I love myself as much now after going through my life thus far if I had not been down the paths of mistakes that I have walked blindly down?

I am so glad that He called me and invited me to come to Him. I truly appreciate that God is so forgiving and is able to restore us and cleanse our minds and hearts and make us and mold us, if we but let Him. I am so much better now. I am wiser and stronger and beautiful. Can I assist you, my lost friend, my lost sister, my lost brother? Can I share my past paths with you, so you can be redirected and realigned with God's help? 

What if I could... What if He could? What sort of person are you to be?

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